Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Episode 4

Here is episode 4, again, we ask you to submit stuff. Let's make it abundantly clear that the oddcast has a wide array of things in it, or at least it can. We're still trying to make it 30 seconds in length. Got jokes? Howzabout you wow the world with 30 seconds of your best jokes, eh? Just submit something and have no fear, this is art. :P We're now on Odeo!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Episode 3

Here it is, episode 3, we encourage you to send us some feedback, and this whole thing has such a broad scope, we want YOU to submit something to us, 30 seconds in length to

Also, please vote for us on Podcast Alley! Get this new fad a rollin'!

Again, submit feedback and annoting stuff and please vote! Thanks!

Friday, July 22, 2005

Episode 2

We realise that this whole thing may seem like a shock to people, i mean, this thing serves no real purpose, but we don't only have to make stupid noises, the main thing is to be pointless, 30 seconds and be mildly funny/annoying, so be sure to submit your um, noises or even some 30 second monologues if you please, we got a few already and we're sifting through some of the emails we got.


Thursday, July 21, 2005

Episode 1....and info

Hello and welcome to the oddity that is the oddcast. The whole point of this podcast? Well, basically, every week, you will be offered 30 seconds of funny/strange/annoying sounds. The whole point is that we know you probably subscribe to many Podcasts and sometimes, you just want an intermission or something of the like, so try the oddcast. We'd like to think of each Oddcast as something you can listen to and wonder "WTF?" or possibly, it could be something that you can annoy co-workers with as you play it loudly at your desk at work, the bottom line is, this is a small, weekly podcast, not about politics, the latest tech or anything of the like, it's not going to make any sense, but subscribe because we all need something that isn't not "the norm". Oh and feel free to submit 30 seconds of anything you consider odd, or if you want to send fedback, you can do that right here.

Welcome to the Oddcast.

Prepare to be annoyed...